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  • Writer's pictureThat Oneness Guy


Hello my friends,

Just a quick note here to let you know that I officially released a version of my latest book of Oneness:

"The WAYZ of Oneness" Helping to Navigate Life

You can find the book on Amazon in a 'Kindle' (or ebook) format. As I continue to sift through the arduous task of securing the right publishing deal for the book, I found that I couldn't wait any longer. Between contract negotiations, then the actual production of a book, publishing deals can linger up to a year or longer. And with the shape our world is in, I (we) don't have that kind of time on our hands.

You know how important Oneness is in general to our future. The premise of this book is to help us navigate through life's most precious and delicate moments and events. And yes, even something as unprecedented as a global pandemic. I mention that because the book was written from March through August of 2020. A time when we were all entrenched within the confines of Covid.

This book is our GPS. A navigational guide to not only survive and advance through a global pandemic, but all that we face in life.

I hope you take something away from reading it. Actually, I know you will.

'That Oneness Guy'

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